Become a community leader with Interbay Little League!
We are always looking for volunteer coaches, event coordinators, fundraising assistants, help in the concession stand and around the park. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact us at [email protected].
Manager and Coaches Requirements:
Little League application- Managers and coaches must complete the most recent version of the Little League volunteer application and provide a copy of their driver’s license.
Background checks- managers, coaches, umpires, board members, and any volunteers with repetitive access to the players are required to pass a level one background check through the City of Tampa. These required background checks exceed the LL required JDP background check requirements. Background check shall expire after 1 year and will need to be renewed annually to maintain coaching or volunteer status.
Mandatory Training:
· Concussion Training -Online
· Little League Diamond League Training-Online
· Abuse Awareness Training-Online
· Leaguewide in person Training: The league will hold in person training session for fall and spring seasons. This will include basic first aid and review of CPR basics (league offers CPR certification options every two years), coaching strategies, review of local and D6 rules, etc. Training dates will be communicated in advance.