Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I know what division to register for?
We provide guidance into division selection during the registration process, but please do not be overly concerned if you are not sure what to select. We will assess each child during assessments to determine which division is the best fit.
What equipment do I need?
Tee Ball:
Required: glove, batting helmet, and cleats (other items will be communicated prior to practice starts)
Required: glove, batting helmet (faceguard recommended), cleats (no metal spikes)
Recommended: Athletic supporter and cup, bat (see link below), equipment bag
Required: glove, batting helmet (faceguard recommended), cleats (no metal spikes)
Recommended: fielding face mask, bat (see link below), equipment bag
*Bat information:
Does the league provide uniforms?
Yes, the league provides a uniform shirt and hat for baseball and uniform shirt and team socks for softball (hats are typically not worn in softball due to fielding face masks being worn). Coaches will communicate pants and sock colors the first week of practice.
What days are practices and games?
Tee Ball Academy: Tuesday and Friday
Challenger: Practice and games are combined on Saturdays
Baseball and Softball:
Practice days vary and typically are either Mon/Wed or Tue/Thur. Games are typically played on Wed, Thur, Fridays, and/or Saturdays.
Once games begin, there are usually 3 events (including games and practices) per week.
What should I wear or bring for practice:
Players should dress in comfortable athletic clothing. We recommend cleats, softball or baseball pants and a t-shirt.
Players should bring a glove, helmet, and water bottle.
How do I volunteer to coach?
We are always looking for volunteer coaches and assistant coaches.
All volunteers are required to fill out a volunteer application (link below) and pass a background check.
Coaching volunteers are required to complete a specific background check through the city of Tampa, attend coaches orientation, and complete an in-person CPR/First Aid and an online concussion training.
If interested, please email a copy of your driver’s license and completed volunteer application (link below) to [email protected].